Monday, September 23, 2024

September Pics and October Info

 Here are the pics from September's meeting.

I've added a new "page" on the top header bar for the 2024/2025 meeting & sewing dates.

Next meeting on Wednesday October 9th should be a dinner by the church ladies prior to the meeting (you must sign up beforehand!) and Program for the evening will be Schoolhouse stations demonstrating different methods of making hexagons. 

Please remember to bring:
  • If you have not yet paid it - $50 membership fee, either cash or cheque. 
  • OR $10 visitor fee.
  • Show & Share.
  • Library books that need to be returned. 
  • Feeling lucky?  Bring a little bit of change for draw tickets.
  • Are you cleaning out some shelf space?...bring giveaway items and drop them at the Give & Take table.
  • Wear your name tag please.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

May & June pics, info for Sept. 11th meeting

Oy, worst photographer ever.  My apologies.

September 11th will kick off our new season.  We'll celebrate with a pot luck supper at 6:00, so bring your food item to share, and remember your plate(s) & cutlery.

  • $50 membership fee, either cash or cheque please. Otherwise, it will be a $10 visitor fee.
  • Show & Share.
  • Library books that need to be returned.  Surely you've got that quilt finished by now??? lol 😉
  • Feeling lucky?  Bring a little bit of change for draw tickets.
  • Are you cleaning out some shelf space?...bring giveaway items and drop them at the Give & Take table.
  • Wear your name tag please.
UFO/SEWING DAY is the fourth Friday of the month - September 27th will be the next one.  $10 per person to cover the rent.  Pot luck lunch if you'd like to participate, but not necessary.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

March & April Pics and Info For Wed. May 8th

Here are the pics from March and April - better late than never.

We have a guest speaker this month - 7 pm Wednesday May 8th.  Sarah Yetman from Brantford will be presenting a trunk show.

Things to remember:

  • Show 'n Share items
  • Items for the Give & Take table - things that are looking for a new home 
  • Spare change for the raffle prizes and/or the 50/50 draw
  • Your name tag
  • Library books to be returned