Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bit Players - Doo Wop Song "My Sewing Machine".wmv

I found this link on the CQA Facebook page. Ha ha - cute!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Quilt Challenge Swap Day at the Cross-border Picnic with Caledonia NY guild

Five of us traveled from Caledonia, ON to Caledonia, NY for a picnic with our NY Sister Guild.  The NY gals were nice enough to feed us so we didn't have to bring food across the border.

This is the quilt the NY guild will raffle off next year as a fundraiser for their guild.

After lunch we played a game of Left.Right.Centre.  At stake was a pot of 39 fat quarters.

I was NOT the winner.  Boo.  The only good thing about that was I didn't have to explain a pile of fabric to the CRA Border Guard.
After the game we also spent some time talking 'guild stuff'.  That was really interesting too - sharing information on how our guilds operate, programs, games, challenges.

One year ago we sent NY a 3m hunk of fabric.  Here is what we got in return.  :-)

They sent us 3 yd and we gave them back this.  :-)
These quilts are being donated to our respective Quilts of Valour programs, so it was all done for FUN and for a GOOD CAUSE.