Monday, September 23, 2024

September Pics and October Info

 Here are the pics from September's meeting.

I've added a new "page" on the top header bar for the 2024/2025 meeting & sewing dates.

Next meeting on Wednesday October 9th should be a dinner by the church ladies prior to the meeting (you must sign up beforehand!) and Program for the evening will be Schoolhouse stations demonstrating different methods of making hexagons. 

Please remember to bring:
  • If you have not yet paid it - $50 membership fee, either cash or cheque. 
  • OR $10 visitor fee.
  • Show & Share.
  • Library books that need to be returned. 
  • Feeling lucky?  Bring a little bit of change for draw tickets.
  • Are you cleaning out some shelf space?...bring giveaway items and drop them at the Give & Take table.
  • Wear your name tag please.

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