Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pics from February Meeting, and March 12 Reminders

 We had a great Show 'n Share last month, with a special request for Red/White/Heart quilts.

This is a sample of the Block of the Month that's being made for the March meeting.

The President's Challenge quilts were brought in for judging.  Lots of great work!

We spent the last hour playing a Quilt Block puzzle game.  Lots of fun on a cold winter's night.

WEDNESDAY MARCH12, 7:00 p.m.

  • You can come early (12 noon) and sew for the afternoon for $5.
  • Program: We have a guest speaker who will be discussing weaving with us. 
  • Regular reminders: extra $$ for draw tickets, coffee cup, name tag, library books to return, quilts for Show 'n Share, Block of the Month, items for the Give & Take table

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January Pics and February reminders

 January was a zoomie with Cheryl Arkison.  And a really sparse show 'n share.  However, the two quilts that were brought in were absolute stunners!

WEDNESDAY FEB.12, 7:00 p.m.
  • For those who are attending in person, remember that you can come early (12 noon) and sew for the afternoon for $5.
  • If you'd rather sew for a whole day, come on Friday February 28th and sew from 9 - 4:30.  That will be $10.
  • Special Show 'n Share - please bring your red & white quilts to celebrate the month of love. 💕
  • Program will see us making quilt blocks from patchwork pieces.  Let's see how much we know!
  • Regular reminders: extra $$ for draw tickets, coffee cup, name tag, library books to return, quilts for Show 'n Share, Block of the Month, items for the Give & Take table

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Pics from Dec. 11th, and meeting info for January 8th.

 We set up into two groups, each with a set of LEFT/RIGHT/CENTRE dice.

Everyone brought three fat quarters to ante in with.


In addition to our regular Show 'n Share, members were encouraged to bring in their special Christmas quilts.  Wonderful works to celebrate the season.


Weather is very unpredictable in January, so we DO have the church booked for our meeting, but if things go awry, or if you can't get to us for some reason, we're presenting the guest speaker via ZOOM.
Cheryl Arkison is a Canadian quilter who leans towards modern quilting.  She should be really interesting!

Members will be sent a link to the zoom prior to the meeting but I expect that many of us will be watching from the church.  Either way - your choice.

For those who are attending in person, remember that you can come early (12 noon) and sew for the afternoon for $5.
If you'd rather sew for a whole day, come on Friday January 24th and sew from 9 - 4:30.  That will be $10.