Constitution & Bylaws

Caledonia Grand River Quilters’ Guild Constitution

The name of the Guild shall be the CALEDONIA GRAND RIVER QUILTERS’ GUILD. The Guild shall meet in the community of Caledonia in Haldimand County. The Guild shall be an un-incorporated non-profit volunteer organization, and shall abide by the rules and regulations so stated below.
Mission Statement: The Caledonia Grand River Quilters’ Guild is a fellowship which through the medium of quilting promotes social interaction, educational opportunities, artistic development, and community service through each individual’s personal commitment and contribution.
Objectives of the guild are:
1. To have regular meetings with a program component.
2. To have library facilities.
3. To share skills and resources with the guild members.
4. To undertake community outreach.

a) Individual membership in the Guild shall be open to all adult persons who are interested in quilting.
b) Members shall be required to pay annual dues as determined by the Guild. This enables them to participate in the regular meetings. Other activities may require additional fees.
c) Members may use the library in accordance with library policy.
d) Members shall receive the Newsletter when published.
e) Members present at the meeting shall have full voting privileges in the Guild. Such voting shall be by show of hands, or by ballot if requested by the membership. Simple majority shall rule.
f) The Executive Committee may call for a membership decision to be made electronically in between regular meetings, when time is of the essence. Such a decision must be entered into the minutes at the next regular meeting.
g) Guests may attend meetings at a nominal fee. Guests do not have membership privileges.

a) The Guild shall be governed by an Executive Committee comprised of the following officers: President, Past president, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairperson of the Program Committee.
b) The Executive Committee positions are for a two year term and shall be approved by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
c) The Executive Committee shall have full control and management of the business and affairs of the Guild.
d) For any duly called meeting of the Executive Committee a quorum shall consist of fifty percent of the members as specified in Article 2(a)
e) Unexpected vacancies that may occur in committees or Positions of Responsibility shall be filled as soon as possible by the Executive Committee.

a) President
1) Prepares the agenda and chairs the meetings of the Guild. See Article 6.
2) Carries out Guild business as directed by the membership and Executive Committee.
3) Acts as the representative of the Guild to the community at large.
4) Recruits volunteers for positions on the Executive Committee and for Positions of Responsibility. The slate of nominees for these positions will be submitted for approval by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
b) Past President
Be available to assist the Executive Committee when and where necessary.
c) Vice President
Carries out the duties of the President in the absence of the President and assumes the position of President after the two year term.
d) Secretary
1) Records the minutes of all Executive and regular meetings. The regular meeting minutes will be reviewed by the President and then forwarded to the Newsletter Editor for distribution to the membership.
2) Receives correspondence to the Guild and distributes the content of such correspondence, and any other pertinent information, to the Guild as directed by the President.
e) Treasurer
1) With the assistance of the Executive Committee, establishes an annual budget for the Guild.
2) Maintains the financial records of the Guild and submits the financial report to the membership at the regular meetings.
3) Receives and promptly pays invoices on behalf of the guild.
4) Undertakes the banking for the Guild (makes deposits, writes cheques, arranges for update of signing authorities for Officers).
f) Program Committee Chairperson
1) Chairs the Program Committee.
2) With the committee members develops the annual program for the Guild.
3) Establishes a budget for the program.

a) The Guild’s fiscal year shall be from September 1st to August 31st.
b) The funds of the Guild, including all contributions and donations shall be paid into an account at a financial institution.
c) All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by two of the following officers of the Guild:
President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer.
d) All funds belonging to the Guild are to further the objectives of the Guild.
e) Requests for funds not included in the annual budget must be presented to the membership for approval.
f) The financial books and records of the Guild may be inspected by any member of the Guild at any time, upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the treasurer.
g) The Guild shall not exercise any borrowing powers.

Standing committees shall deal with ongoing activities of the Caledonia Grand River Quilters’ Guild.
1) Executive Committee. See Article 2.
2) Program Committee arranges a program component at regular meetings that complies with the Guild’s objectives. Additionally, the guild members may decide to have traditional guild activities at their regular meetings such as Block of the Month, Exchange, Draw table, Show and Share, and Challenges.
3) Ad-Hoc committees. These are special task, short term, committees established by the membership and the Executive Committee by passage of an appropriate motion. These committees shall be retired when the special task is completed.
A Position of Responsibility is held by a member who is responsible for a specific task or activity. The position shall be for a two year term.
1) Membership collects annual membership fees and provides the same to the Treasurer. Maintains a current list of active members and makes this list available to the membership. Takes attendance at meetings.
2) Social/Hospitality coordinates hostesses for the Guild’s regular meetings. Keeps supplies stocked.
3) Librarian maintains and supervises the library collection. Sets up and administers a system of loaning library materials to members. Buys books as money is available and disposes of items as necessary. Prepares and keeps an up-to-date inventory list.
4) Newsletter collects information from the committees and members who hold Positions of Responsibility, minutes from the Secretary, and news which might be of interest to the membership. The newsletter will be distributed to the membership.
5) Block of the Month (B-O-M) coordinates the B-O-M presentations at the regular meetings.
6) Historian (Photographer and Archives) visually records events of Guild for the archives and maintains those records.
7) Exchange determines the exchange program for the year, maintains the participants list of names and distributes the exchange items at each regular meeting.
8) Website maintains and updates the Guild on-line presence as required.
9) Draw Table determines the items to be drawn each month. Keeps a supply of draw tickets, records and forwards the collected funds to the Treasurer.
10) Public Relations / Advertising contacts local community newspapers and radio stations to announce Guild meetings and special events.
11) Dinner Coordinator will contact the church and guild members in advance to book the Guild’s
pre-meeting dinner, collect and disperse funds as required.

a) The Guild year shall be from September 1st to August 31st.
b) Regular meetings. The Guild will meet monthly on the second Wednesday of the month except for the months of July and August. The regular meeting shall include a business meeting (acceptance of the minutes and treasurers report, committee reports and correspondence) and a program component.
c) Annual General Meeting. This meeting will be held immediately after the June regular meeting for the purpose of a review of the previous year’s activities and the installation of the new Executive Committee and Positions of Responsibility.
d) Planning and Budget meeting. The Executive, the Committee chairs and persons holding Positions of Responsibility will have a Planning and Budget meeting prior to the first regular meeting of the Guild year (September). The purpose of this meeting is to prepare the annual budget for presentation and approval at the September regular meeting and to prepare programs for the new Guild year.
e) Executive meeting. At the call of the President or other members of the Executive Committee.
f) Special General meeting. See Article 8.

a) Any specific proposals to change the Constitution must be given in writing, in the form of a motion, to the Secretary at least sixty (60) days before an Annual General Meeting.
b) Written notice of the motion to change the Constitution must be delivered to all members not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
c) Motions to change the constitution must be approved by a two thirds majority of those present and voting.

a) A Special General meeting may be called by the Executive Committee for the purpose of dissolving the Guild.
b) The Guild may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a simple two-thirds majority of those present at the Special General meeting.
c) If confirmed, the Executive Committee shall distribute the Guild’s remaining financial assets, after the payment of liabilities, to recognized charitable organizations in Haldimand County. The Executive Committee shall make a fair distribution of non-financial assets.

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